Rainbow Color  (1980)
Starring: Choi Gyeong-Su, Choi Wu-Seong, Gwak In-Jin
Director:Kim Soo-Yong(a)
Production:Hyeon Jin Films
Country:South Korea

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About Rainbow Color
The kids envy the adult's world. They are told that if they would reach the place where a rainbow exists they can become adults. Thus, they attempt to find out the place. They steal a small sized fishing boat at a seacoast for sailing and face a lot of difficulties, and finally arrive at an inhabited island. On the other hand, their missing causes great disturbance in not only the school but also home. Their family find out boat's debris so that they think that all of the kids have been already dead. Two fishermen at the island rescue the kids to let them return to the family. The kids understand children's world, which cannot change even after they become adult, through this adventure, and know the adult's world.