Yu Min(a)

Also Known As: Yuko Fueki
Date of birth:June 21, 1979
Country:Japan, South Korea

About Yu Min(a)
Date of Birth : 21 June 1979
Place of Birth : Saitama,Japan
Career Star : Hotaru
Height : 163cm
Measurements : 80cm / 59cm / 86cm
Specialty : Calligraphy / Basketball / Piano
Languages : Korean(and Japanese of course)
Feature Films : Hotaru (2001)¡¡Sin Yukiguni (2001)

Yuko Fueki exploded onto the scene in 2001,first with hotaru, along with ken takakura(the most famous actor in Japan). She is going to be playing the leading actress for sin-yukiguni this autumn. The original of this film is yukiguni,a Japanese famous nobel prized novel written by yasunari kawabata in 1937. She also starred in numerous commercial campaigns early in her career including CARITA in shanghai, china and struck us with her superb beauty.