Today's Men  (1972)
Starring: Park No-Sik(a), Yun Jeong-Hee(a)
Director:Lee Seong-Gu
Production:Hapdong Films
Country:South Korea

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About Today's Men
Myeong-Dol and Myeong-Hun who are brothers are very different in character. Myeong-Dol lives a wanton life while Myeong-Hun lives a rather normal life. Park, Myeong-Hun's mother doesn't complain of her husband Jae-Dal's flirting with other women. Myeong-Hun falls in love with his co-worker Nan-Hee in his factory and plans to marry her, but some misunderstanding between them arises. When it turned out that he isn't Jae-Dal's son, Myeong-Dol gets frustrated and makes lots of noise. But as all the misunderstandings are resolved, Myeong-Dol marries Kil-Ja and Myeong-Hun marries Nan-Hee. Jae-Dal, repenting of what he's done, asks his wife to forgive him.